Biogeographical distribution, conservation and local use of Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm. in the Cacoal-Rondônia region, Brazil


  • Diego Geraldo Caetano Nunes FANORTE, Instituiçao de Ensino Superior de Cacoal Rua Anísio Serrão Nº 2325 – Centro, Cacoal, Brasil. CEP 76.963-728. Escola Familia Agricola Padre Ezequiel Ramin. 10 Km 04, Zona Rural em Cacoal - RO, Brasil. CEP 78976-230
  • Edslei Rodrigues de Almeida Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia: Cacoal, Rondônia, Brasil
  • Joel Tupac Otero Os´pina Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira., Cra 32 #12-00, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia
  • José Luis Chávez Servia Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR),Unidad Oaxaca, Mexico
  • Creuci Maria Caetano Universidade Federal de Rondônia: Presidente Médici, RO, Brasil


Palabras clave:

Brazilian Amazon, Deforestation, Habitat destruction, GIS


Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm., popularly known as "cerejeira" or emburana, is a tree belonging to the Fabaceae family (Leguminosae: Faboideae) and is included in the list of threatened and endangered species, according to Regulation No. 06 of the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, dated 23 September 2008, standing out as one of the most vulnerable species. The objective of this study was to analyse the biogeographic distribution of A. acreana in the municipality of Cacoal, located in the Brazilian Amazon. The research was based on field data, complemented by herbarium records, databases, sampling and surveys of the local community to obtain information on the location and abundance of the species. The use of advanced tools such as DIVA-GIS 7.5® and Terra-i® made it possible to visualise the distribution of A. acreana in Brazil, both in its natural habitat (States of Acre, Mato Grosso and Rondônia) and in cultivated areas (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), extending also to Bolivia and Peru. In the municipality of Cacoal, the presence of the species was confirmed in ten localities, two of which hosted more than six adult individuals. The consideration of the microclimatic conditions of these localities proves to be a crucial element for proposing effective conservation strategies. The study not only provides a detailed overview of the distribution of A. acreana, but also highlights the need to address specific environmental conditions to ensure the long-term conservation of this threatened species in the Amazon region.


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Biografía del autor/a

Diego Geraldo Caetano Nunes, FANORTE, Instituiçao de Ensino Superior de Cacoal Rua Anísio Serrão Nº 2325 – Centro, Cacoal, Brasil. CEP 76.963-728. Escola Familia Agricola Padre Ezequiel Ramin. 10 Km 04, Zona Rural em Cacoal - RO, Brasil. CEP 78976-230

Biologist from Faculdade de Ciências Biomédicas de Cacoal (2008), Master in Biological Sciences from Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Palmira (2012) and PhD in Agroecology from Universidad Nacional de Colombia campus Palmira (2017). He has experience in the field of botany with emphasis on plant morphology, plant anatomy and ethnobotany in the field of valuation and use of Plant Genetic Resources. He has worked mainly on the following topics: Amazonia, Edible Fruits, Passifloras, Plant Tissue Culture and Geographic Information Systems (GIS).

Edslei Rodrigues de Almeida, Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia: Cacoal, Rondônia, Brasil

Doctorate in Science and Mathematics Education, from the Amazonian Network in Science and Mathematics Education/REAMEC, from the Federal University of Mato Grosso/UFMT. Master's Degree in Science and Mathematics Education Specialisation: Biology Teaching, from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. Specialist in Medicinal Plants - Use, Handling and Manipulation, by UFLA - Federal University of Lavras, Didactics of Higher Education, by FACIMED - Faculty of Biomedical Sciences of Cacoal. Degree in Biological Sciences from the State University of Mato Grosso/UNEMAT. Professor at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rondônia, currently in charge of the Dean's Office.

Joel Tupac Otero Os´pina, Departamento de Ciencias Básicas, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Palmira., Cra 32 #12-00, Palmira, Valle del Cauca, Colombia

Full-time Professor. National University of Colombia, Palmira Campus. Department of Basic Sciences. He is a member of the Orchid Conservation Group of the Species Survival Commission (SSC), in the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), for his botanical and ecological study of orchids to promote their conservation, and for his work in the fields of biology and orchids. Professor Otero Ospina is the founder and head of the Orchids, Ecology and Plant Systematics Research Group at Unal Palmira for more than 20 years. Professor Otero is a botanical biologist from the Universidad del Valle, with a Ph.D. from the University of Puerto Rico at Rio Piedras and PostDoc at CSIRO Plant Industry in Canberra, Australia. He is currently recognised in the country for being part of the team that discovered Dichaea andina, a species native to the Andes in Colombia.

José Luis Chávez Servia , Centro Interdisciplinario de Investigación para el Desarrollo Integral Regional (CIIDIR),Unidad Oaxaca, Mexico

PhD, Research Professor at the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Integral Regional Development (CIIDIR), Oaxaca-Mexico Unit. National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Mexico. Fields of research: Rescue, conservation and utilisation of plant genetic resources, undervalued and underutilised genetic resources, local seed systems, socio-food systems, indigenous communities and food culture.

Creuci Maria Caetano, Universidade Federal de Rondônia: Presidente Médici, RO, Brasil

Degree in Biological Sciences (1981), Master's Degree in Cellular Biology (1995) and Doctorate in Biological Sciences (2001), Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM), Paraná. Pedagogue (UEM; 1994), with specialisation in Science and Citizenship - Ethos Science from Faculdade Estadual de Campo Mourao, Paraná (1996), specialisation in Environmental Control and Management (UEM, 1999) and International Postgraduate Course in Cultural Heritage, Sustainable Tourism and Cultural Landscape (Green Fund; 2017). Her areas of expertise are plant cytogenetics, applied ethnobotany, conservation and utilisation of plant genetic resources (PGR). She has been associated with the International Plant Genetic Resources Institute (IPGRI) (now Bioversity International), the National University of Colombia and the Fundacao Universidade Federal de Rondônia, na Amazônia Ocidental Brasileira, campus Presidente Médici, Departamento de Engenharia de Pesca.


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Cómo citar

Caetano Nunes DG, Rodrigues de Almeida E, Otero Os´pina JT, Chávez Servia JL, Caetano CM. Biogeographical distribution, conservation and local use of Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm. in the Cacoal-Rondônia region, Brazil. Magna Sci. UCEVA [Internet]. 1 de diciembre de 2023 [citado 22 de octubre de 2024];3(2):187-95. Disponible en:



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