Magna Scientia UCEVA <p>La revista <strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA</strong> es una publicación científica que provee acceso libre, gratuito e inmediato a todos sus contenidos bajo el principio de hacer disponible la investigación al publico, lo cual, fomenta un mayor intercambio de conocimiento global. <strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA</strong> se publica de forma semestral, con ediciones en julio y diciembre de cada año. Esta revista es editada por la <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca, </a> su misión, es difundir conocimiento científico de alta calidad sobre las Ciencias de la Vida (Ciencias Biológicas y Agrícolas) y Ciencias de la Salud (Medicina, Enfermería, Profesiones de la Salud). Más del 50% de sus contenidos, son contribuciones de autores externos a la Entidad Editora y a sus cuerpos editoriales. Al menos el 40% de los artículos, son trabajos de investigación, comunicación científica o creación originales: artículos originales de investigación, artículos de revisión (systematic review, scoping review, literature review), artículos de reflexión y casos clínicos. Publicar en <strong>Magna Scientia Uceva</strong> implica además, un espacio de discusión académica y científica alrededor del quehacer de los investigadores y profesionales de las Ciencias de la Vida y la Salud en cuyos campos de interés actuales, se incluye: <em>i</em>) Medicina;<em> ii</em>) Profesiones de la Salud; <em>iii</em>) Estudios Sociales de la Salud; <em>iv</em>) Bioquímica, Genética y Biología Molecular; <em>v</em>) Ingeniería Biomédica;<em> vi</em>) Etnofarmacología y Toxicología; <em>vii</em>) Ciencias Ambientales y <em>viii</em>) Ciencias Biológicas y Agrícolas. <strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA</strong> presenta una periodicidad semestral y se acoge a las recomendaciones emitidas por los Entes ICMJE (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Comité Internacional de Editores de Revistas Médicas</a>) y el COPE (<a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Comité de Ética de las Publicaciones</a>), se restringirá la participación de autoría a un máximo de seis (6) autores por artículo sometido con fines de publicación en <strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA </strong>y el o los autores, son los titulares del copyright del artículo, de acuerdo con la licencia creative commons a la que se acoge la revista. </p> Unidad Central del Valle del Cauca es-ES Magna Scientia UCEVA 2805-6884 <p><strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA</strong> proporciona un acceso abierto, libre y gratuito a su contenido, basado en el principio de que ofrecer al público un acceso libre a las investigaciones, ayuda a un mayor intercambio global del conocimiento. Lo cual, implica que los usuarios pueden leer, descargar, almacenar, imprimir, buscar, indexar y realizar enlaces a los textos completos de esta revista. Se permite distribuir los diversos artículos en las versiones post-print y oficial, sin previo permiso del autor o editor, considerando que el fin de este, no implica fines comerciales, ni la generación de obras derivadas; Solo se solicita la mención de la fuente así como la autoría. El titular del copyright será el o los autores que publiquen en Magna Scientia UCEVA.</p> <p><strong>Magna Scientia UCEVA</strong> está distribuida bajo los términos de la licencia <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p> Narratives, uncertainty and subjectivity in the context of regenerative medicine <p>The emergence of bio-economies and debates about what biomaterials can be used in stem cell research are shaping subjectivities and identities in biomedicine today. Narratives of neoliberal nation-states often emphasise the idea that responsibility for health problems lies directly with the citizenry, while social safety nets are increasingly reduced. This creates a sense of security for citizens by endorsing certain therapeutic promises that semiotically disconnect the material conditions of uncertainty in which these cell therapy technologies are developed. In this respect, the study of the discursive practices associated with these technologies introduces a new performative understanding of the concept of health in regenerative medicine</p> María José Miranda Suárez Derechos de autor 2023 Miranda Suárez 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 150 155 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a4 Dos conquistas más, camino a más indexaciones <p>Después de haber sido incluida en el catálogo 2.0 de Latindex y en el Directorio de Revistas de Acceso Abierto (DOAJ), Magna Scientia UCEVA logra dos nuevas indexaciones en importantes índices: MIAR, la Matriz de Información para el Análisis de Revistas, un sistema desarrollado por la Universidad de Barcelona en España desde 2004, que evalúa la calidad de las publicaciones científicas mediante el cálculo del Índice Compuesto de Difusión Científica (ICDS). Este índice valora la presencia de las revistas en bases de datos de citas, tanto multidisciplinarias como especializadas, reflejando así su alcance internacional. La última inclusión del año 2023 es ASCI (Índice de Citación Científica Asiática), una base de datos que emplea criterios rigurosos para seleccionar revistas, garantizando su calidad y relevancia académica. Estos criterios incluyen procesos editoriales sólidos, contenido original y significativo, claridad en el enfoque temático, frecuencia regular de publicación, diversidad global de autores, adhesión a estándares éticos y una notable influencia en la citación. Con estas nuevas indexaciones, la UCEVA como entidad editora fortalece su presencia a nivel internacional y se prepara para alcanzar objetivos más ambiciosos en su camino hacia la indexación en plataformas como Redalyc, SciELO y Scopus.</p> Juan Carlos Urriago Fontal Derechos de autor 2023 Urriago Fontal, J 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 132 135 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a1 Giant dysgerminoma with pelvic metastases at the time of puberty: A case report and review of the literature <p>This study aims to provide a comprehensive insight into the clinical presentation, diagnostic challenges and management strategies associated with a rare occurrence of giant dysgerminoma with pelvic metastases in an adolescent patient. We intend to add valuable information to the medical literature that may help to better understand and manage similar cases in the future, making this case report potentially valuable to clinicians and researchers in the fields of gynaecological oncology and paediatric oncology. Germ cells, the precursors of the ova in women and sperm in men, can give rise to germ cell tumours if their migration goes wrong during embryogenesis. These tumours, which can be malignant or benign, are generally rare. In particular, germ cell lesions in women are usually benign, whereas in men they are often malignant. These tumours can present as intra- or extragonadal masses due to the migratory nature of the germ cells. Dysgerminoma, a rare malignant germ cell tumour, is more common in men than testicular seminoma. In women, dysgerminomas account for 1-2% of malignant ovarian tumours and present as exotic lesions. They are usually relatively small, but giant lesions have been reported. They also exhibit rapid growth and a characteristic lobulated surface, retaining the ovarian shape. Extra-ovarian presentations are rare but may extend into the abdominal region. In men, seminomas may occur extra-testicularly, particularly in the mediastinum. Dysgerminomas respond well to radiotherapy and chemotherapy, with survival rates of over 90% at five years with timely and appropriate treatment worldwide</p> Lisbeth Andreina Medina Torres Andrés Darío Restrepo Becerra Derechos de autor 2023 Medina Torres & Restrepo Becerra 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 136 142 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a2 Pseudothrombocytopenia due to platelet aggregates in an infant: A case report <p>This case report describes the finding of EDTA-dependent Pseudothrombocytopenia in an 8-month-old infant, an extremely rare condition not reported in the literature. The patient presented with a fever due to insect bite and was diagnosed with abscessed cellulitis. A complete blood count showed a thrombocytopenia of 47 mil/L, with no history of bleeding or hematologic disease. The following day a new test was performed, which showed a platelet count of 214 mil/L, which was not consistent with the expected evolution of a real thrombocytopenia. Pseudothrombocytopenia was suspected and confirmed by observing platelet aggregates in the blood smear and upon recounting in a tube with sodium citrate, showed a normal value of 298 mil/L. Treatment consists of avoiding the use of EDTA as an anticoagulant and using other anticoagulants such as citrate or heparin. Timely identification of this phenomenon is essential to avoid diagnostic confusion and unnecessary or harmful treatment. This case brings to the scientific literature an example of EDTA-dependent Pseudothrombocytopenia in a pediatric patient, which can be easily confused with other causes of thrombocytopenia and requires a high index of clinical suspicion.</p> Esteban Artunduaga-Cañas Esteban Pineda Arias Estefania Rivera Velásquez Juan Sebastián Arango Duque Juan Diego Rivera Villota Diego Fernando López Muñoz Derechos de autor 2024 Artunduaga Cañas et al. 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 143 149 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a3 Phenological and morphological characterization of local maize from the municipality of Villaflores- Chiapas, Mexico <p>Local maize varieties in Mexico play a crucial role in food security, cultural diversity, and agricultural sustainability. These varieties constitute a reservoir of genetic diversity critical for the adaptability of maize to changing climatic conditions. To characterize 12 local maize varieties from the Frailesca Region, Chiapas, an experiment was established under completely randomized field conditions. Evaluated variables included phenological cycle, leaf and root biomass production, plant height, stem diameter, ear shape, and leaf coloration. A Hierarchical Cluster Multivariate Analysis was conducted to group varieties based on their characteristics. A mixed correlation model was used to assess the dynamic proportion of root biomass to total biomass. Two groups were identified based on phenological characteristics: the first type grouped 10 varieties with early traits, and the second type comprised 2 late varieties. Regarding biomass production, three types were found: high biomass production, with 4 varieties; low biomass production, represented by 7 varieties; and one atypically high biomass production variety. Radical biomass increased linearly until 120 days. The variety "Olotillo Amarillo Parral Dos" achieved greater height, while "Macho Totomoxtle Morado" was the smallest. Ear shapes varied between open and semi-open, and the leaf color was an intense green.&nbsp;</p> Jaime Llaven-Martínez Ernesto Javier Gómez-Padilla Aquiles Lustein Aguilar-Gallegos Grisel Sánchez-Grajalez Eraclio Gómez-Padilla Derechos de autor 2023 Llaven-Martínez et al. 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 156 164 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a5 Seedling competition between Pennisetum setaceum (Poaceae) and three native weeds of La Primavera wood, Guadalajara, Jalisco (México) <p><em>Pennisetum setaceum</em> (Forssk.) Chiov., 1923 is an exotic grass from the Arabian Peninsula that has been very successful as an ornamental plant worldwide in recent years. Unfortunately, it has proved to be a very competitive invader, causing ecological problems in several regions of the world. We don't know exactly how this species interacts with native weeds in Mexico. Our study aims to show the interactions of Pennisetum with three species of native weeds in the surroundings of the metropolitan area of Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico: <em>Aeschynomene villosa</em> var. longifolia (Micheli) Rudd, <em>Desmodium aparines</em> (Link) DC. and <em>Paspalum notatum</em> (Flüggé). The seeds of Pennisetum were tested in monospecific groups (competing against itself) and in association with each of the native species mentioned and with a treatment together with all the compound of the species mentioned, thus simulating what could happen in natural conditions upon the arrival of the seeds of <em>P. setaceum</em> in a degraded soil of Guadalajara. The results show how the biomass produced and the speed of growth of Pennisetum can be a real alarm for the conservation of local germplasm.</p> Vincenzo Bertolini Oscar Alejandro Sedano Ibarra Javier Francisco Valle Mora Agustín Gallegos Rodríguez Efrén Hernández Álvarez Ángel Natanael Rojas Velázquez Derechos de autor 2023 Bertolini et al. 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 165 174 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a6 Diversification of cropping systems to improve national food security <p>The aim of this reflection is to study and promote the diversification of cropping systems as a strategy for the improvement of food security at national level. Food security is a global challenge that nations continue to address. Agricultural systems should address this issue; however, traditional practices may not be sufficient to produce enough food for the growing population. Conversely, intensive agriculture has significantly impacted the environment by increasing the use of fertilizers and freshwater, expanding cultivation lands, and reducing biodiversity. Therefore, innovative techniques are necessary to enhance agricultural productivity while respecting planetary environmental limits that are essential for the resilience of the earth. Enhancing cropping diversity in agricultural systems could significantly increase yield and food production, optimizing land usage efficiency. This brief analysis examines the diversity of crop species in Colombia from 2006 to 2022 and its impact on agricultural production. National crop diversity has increased over time, with higher heterogeneity observed in regions such as Cundinamarca, Boyacá Antioquia, Santander, Nariño, and Valle del Cauca. Additionally, significant correlations exist between the number of crops cultivated per location and agricultural production, emphasizing the significance of diversity in food systems. Increasing crop diversity can not only improve national food security but also aid in maintaining ecosystem integrity. Further research should focus on assessing the impact of various farming system diversification, approaches on yield stability and food security at the farm level</p> Sebastián Parra Londoño Derechos de autor 2023 Parra Londoño 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 175 179 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a7 Evaluation of different disinfection protocols for seed germination of Ocimum basilicum L. <p>The aim of this study was to discriminate between different disinfection protocols applied to common basil seeds for in vitro establishment on Murashige &amp; Skoog medium. The aim of this approach was not only to overcome seed dormancy, but also to decisively influence the germination process in order to achieve a significant increase in the proportion of seeds that germinate successfully. In the Colombian context, where some 156 species of medicinal plants are currently marketed, basil (<em>Ocimum basilicum</em> L.), originally from Asia Minor, stands out as one of the most widely used plants in the world. In the department of Valle del Cauca, medicinal plants have emerged as protagonists in contrast to the monoculture of sugar cane (<em>Saccharum Officinarum</em> L.) that dominates the region. However, basil faces significant challenges related to seed dormancy, a condition that negatively affects germination and therefore directly affects yield. In this scenario, 21 treatments were carried out in the Biological Sciences Laboratory of the Central Unit of Valle del Cauca, which showed a marked variability and influence in phenological development, especially in stem and leaf growth. Treatment 12 (0.7% NaClO) showed the highest percentage of basil seed germination (80%). It is imperative to explore new protocols that effectively contribute to the basil production process by overcoming seed dormancy.</p> William Gallego Idárraga Santiago Herrada Chávez Karol Andrea Leal Vásquez Valentina Lamus Molina Luisa Fernanda Cabezas Burbano Derechos de autor 2023 Gallego Idárraga et al. 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 180 186 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a8 Biogeographical distribution, conservation and local use of Amburana acreana (Ducke) A. C. Sm. in the Cacoal-Rondônia region, Brazil <p><em>Amburana acreana</em> (Ducke) A. C. Sm., popularly known as "cerejeira" or emburana, is a tree belonging to the Fabaceae family (Leguminosae: Faboideae) and is included in the list of threatened and endangered species, according to Regulation No. 06 of the Brazilian Ministry of the Environment, dated 23 September 2008, standing out as one of the most vulnerable species. The objective of this study was to analyse the biogeographic distribution of <em>A. acreana</em> in the municipality of Cacoal, located in the Brazilian Amazon. The research was based on field data, complemented by herbarium records, databases, sampling and surveys of the local community to obtain information on the location and abundance of the species. The use of advanced tools such as DIVA-GIS 7.5® and Terra-i® made it possible to visualise the distribution of <em>A. acreana</em> in Brazil, both in its natural habitat (States of Acre, Mato Grosso and Rondônia) and in cultivated areas (Minas Gerais and Rio de Janeiro), extending also to Bolivia and Peru. In the municipality of Cacoal, the presence of the species was confirmed in ten localities, two of which hosted more than six adult individuals. The consideration of the microclimatic conditions of these localities proves to be a crucial element for proposing effective conservation strategies. The study not only provides a detailed overview of the distribution of <em>A. acreana</em>, but also highlights the need to address specific environmental conditions to ensure the long-term conservation of this threatened species in the Amazon region.</p> Diego Geraldo Caetano Nunes Edslei Rodrigues de Almeida Joel Tupac Otero Os´pina José Luis Chávez Servia Creuci Maria Caetano Derechos de autor 2023 Cartano Nunes et al. 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 187 195 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a9 Applying the principles of transformative innovation, strengthens agroecological transition processes <p>The sustainable transformation of agri-food systems through the application of agroecological principles can help to mitigate the effects of the food crisis triggered by the health emergency and the subsequent economic recession. Accordingly, the aim of this reflection research article is to reflect on the correspondence of the principles of transformative innovation (TI) with the agroecological approach and how its application favours the processes of generation, diffusion and adoption of agroecological innovations. It is currently recognised that overcoming social and environmental challenges can contribute to economic growth and competitiveness in the long term, which becomes the basis of TI policies aimed at the generation, diffusion and adaptation of environmental and social innovations, framed within the achievement of the SDGs. At the territorial level, innovations conceived from a sectoral approach can limit the analysis of the contribution of science, technology and innovation in solving social problems. Therefore, especially in rural areas, the application of IT principles can help support agroecological transition processes, which allow addressing social, economic, political and environmental challenges.</p> Edison Suárez Ortiz Derechos de autor 2023 Suarez Ortiz 2023-12-01 2023-12-01 3 2 196 201 10.54502/msuceva.v3n2a10